Ardo Hustler was another bull I came across when looking for a suitable joining sire for Pine Hill Maritana A619. Once again his EBV's complemented hers well with resulting progeny having a balanced EBV profile and indexes at the top of the breed. After much research and assessment of progeny we were gratefully able to secure some semen from Kay Payne at Elite Poll Hereford where Hustler had preformed so well. One Elite son that has preformed extremely well is KMPE212 who after going through the HAL progeny test has proven to be one of the highest indexing sires in the breed.
We have found Hustler to throw eye catching cattle with plenty of horse power, carcase and sound structure. Our only male calf Tobruk Jedi J8 is the best calf we have bred to date, an outstanding individual with a great set of numbers.
A full sister Tobruk Rose J6 is the pick of the J heifers, displaying as good a phenotype as you could hope for and at scanning blew away her contemporary with her excellent carcase attributes
We have found Hustler to throw eye catching cattle with plenty of horse power, carcase and sound structure. Our only male calf Tobruk Jedi J8 is the best calf we have bred to date, an outstanding individual with a great set of numbers.
A full sister Tobruk Rose J6 is the pick of the J heifers, displaying as good a phenotype as you could hope for and at scanning blew away her contemporary with her excellent carcase attributes